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Starting your own Photography business...

If you have thought about taking the plunge into professional photography, have recently done so, or did so awhile ago but are looking for some fresh ideas and insights, I have an interview for you to listen to.

Recently Michael and Scott (over at Digital Photography life) interviewed Laurel Housden, she talks about her transition (just one year ago) from being an enthusiastic amateur to a busy professional photographer.

Laurel shares with the listeners the steps she went through from the beginning when she had nothing but a camera to becoming the success she is today.

I am a big fan of charity work and Laurel shares with us how she does charity work solely for the sake of doing good, and why that act of kindness will often translate into more business.

Listening to this interview will be time well spent.

You can find the interview here, and check out the show notes here.

Once you've listened to her interview, be sure to take the time to visit Laurel's website and read her blog.

Have a great weekend!

Starting your own Photography business... Share on...