This black and white of a water lily was taken in July 2007 at the Children’s Garden which is part of Cleveland Botanical Garden.
The Children’s Garden was approached as part of the Cleveland Photographic Society's "Cleveland Project" - a photo tribute to Cleveland, its landmarks, & its people. One ambitious club member set out to re-trace, wherever possible, the sites of Margaret Bourke-Whites images.
A portion of the Cleveland Photographic Society's "Cleveland Project" was shown twice in Cleveland City Hall.
A little "something about Mary":
"I am an amateur who can’t force herself to so much as read the camera manual. I rely on automatic focus and have saved tons of once-wasted film (I love film and miss it) by going digital. I do have a wonderful camera selected by my husband who is the real photographer. He chose a camera which would allow me to use our old lenses and I tend to use the close-up option for all its worth. I had carried my husband’s camera for him until the late nineties. He foolishly left it in my care while he went to fetch more film; along came a butterfly, and that was that. I still mostly point & shoot and rely on the skill and cleverness of the camera."
The image was taken with a Konica Minolta 5D and a Tamron zoom lens 28-200 3.8-5.6 macro @ at fa ocal length of 200.
Mary used Photoshop Elements to convert to gray scale, crop and enhancing brightness, contrast and color.