photography digital information

Remembering Your Lighting Setups...

When you shoot a lot, it is easy to forget exactly what the setup was that you used, especially if it is a portrait session you shot months (or even a year) ago. Or maybe you are at a seminar or meeting and wished you had your setup to share with the photographers, or some way to right down their setups for when you get back to your studio.

Whatever the reason, here is the answer.

Kevin Kertz has put together a (Photoshop) .psd file that you can use to document (or create new) lighting setups.

The Photoshop file comes with a bunch of photography equipment included (each on its own unique layer) such as cameras, backdrops, lights, reflectors, models and more.

Create your diagram, flatten the image and viola!, it's ready for printing or emailing.

You can download the LightingSetup.psd here, and I have also included several sample images below to give you an sense of the possibilities.

Now before you download it, please understand that there are restrictions when using Kevin Kertz .psd file and I think it only fair (and respectful) that when a person is kind enough to share something with complete strangers, that we (the complete strangers) abide by the rules of its release. The rules are printed on the download page, but I want to print them here as well.

• For personal use and to share your setups only!
• NO commercial use• Please leave the copyright on ALL setups...Thanks!
• YES you can post your setups on other sites. Please refer others to download here so FM can profit from new visitors.

So, now you are thinking, "Man! How cool is that!", but then it quickly sinks in that you don't have Photoshop. "Damn!"

Well, this is your lucky day as there is an online version that can be found right here!

Be sure to thank Scott Garson for providing this valuable online tool.

Remembering Your Lighting Setups... Share on...