photography digital information

A great resource for photographers, Rangefinder...

One of my favorite photography magazines is Rangefinder.

When it arrives in the mail it never leaves my hand, I pull it from the mailbox and immediately head off to find a nice quiet spot and start reading.

If you don't subscribe (and you should) you can still take advantage of their wealth of information by visiting their website, it has many of the magazine articles available plus videos and podcasts.

If you are looking for marketing tips, then you need to check out their regular feature "Marketingmojo".

Rangefinder has been kind enough to make these short (2-3 page) informative marketing gems available online as pdf's for all to view (print out, refer to, and make notes on).

Here are four "Marketingmojo's" to get you started:

Pro Bono Work: Just Do It!

5 Ways to Build & Maintain Client Ties

Targeted, One-on-One Marketing: Smart Strategies for Tough Times

Faces, Spaces, Links, Tweets & Dots: How Social Networking Sites Help Promote Your Studio

So there's your primer, when you finish these be sure to head on over to Rangefinder and get on your Marketing Mojo.

A great resource for photographers, Rangefinder... Share on...