photography digital information

A couple of questions for you (yes, you!)...

I am thinking of adding a couple new features to the blog, but only if they are of interest to you, the readers.

1. "Sunday Sales". The first thing I do on Sunday morning (after making my mega gulp cup of coffee) is to jump online and peruse the sales (Staples, Best Buy, etc.) looking for photography related items. Things like blank media (DVD's and CD's), external hard drives (for image backups), memory cards, and photo paper.

I usually don't post on Sundays and it would not take that much time (or effort) to post any of the goodies I find.

2. "Assignment Shooting". This one would be a bit more fun and involve your participation. Once a month we would have a photo assignment (either a technique, a specific subject, or both) that we all would shoot and post the results to our Flickr group (yet to be created). There would be no winners or losers as this would NOT be a competition, it would be us "shooting together" and learning from each other.

So, those are my two ideas, let me know if either one "moves you" by leaving a comment here, or emailing me directly.

If you have an idea or suggestion other than these two, let me know that too.

I am looking forward to your thoughts and your input.

A couple of questions for you (yes, you!)... Share on...