photography digital information

Digital Photography Boot Camp Finalized...

This week we put the finishing touches on our workshop "Intro - Digital Photography Boot Camp" scheduled for Sunday May 31st.

Three instructors (including yours truly) will take you through this all day hands-on workshop, the morning session will walk you through equipment, exposure, lighting, DIY photography projects and much more, while the afternoon will be all shooting with individual instruction.

All the workshop details can be found here.

We are also fortunate enough to have some very generous sponsors who are providing some cool stuff to giveaway to seminar attendees:

Kubota Imaging is providing 2 $100 gift certificates and discount certificates for every student.

PRESSlite is sending 6 VerteX small strobe light modifiers.

Dane Sanders - one lucky student will get a copy of his audio book "Fast Track Photographer"

Lumiquest provided a nice variety of their light modifiers, a Pocket Bouncer, an 80-20, an Ultrasoft, and a copy of the book "Flash…The MOST Available Light"

Trade Secret is sending 5 decks of their Strobist cards (yup, the ones we reviewed yesterday)

Every student will recieve the handy battery cases from PowerPax.

And finally, one lucky seminar student will recieve my friend Scott Kelby's Digital Photography 2 book boxed set that includes a signed print.

Digital Photography Boot Camp Finalized... Share on...