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Good people doing great things...

Just one more post on this subject.

If you are looking for a way to help let me throw out a couple resources.

Lending A Helping Hand - John Fitzpatrick has helped to organize volunteers that donated there services for couples who can't afford a photographer to capture their special day. Drop John an email if you would like to help.

Flashes of Hope is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating uplifting portraits of children fighting cancer and other life threatening illnesses. The portraits help children feel better about their changing appearance by celebrating it. For families of terminally ill children, it's especially important to have a portrait that preserves forever the beauty, grace and dignity of their child.

Another organization mentioned in a previous post is Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep with the mission of gently providing a helping hand and a healing heart for families overcome by grief and pain because of the loss of their baby.

And lastly, I would like to recognize two friends doing wonderful work:

1. Scott Kelby has raised a bunch of money to help build an orphanage in Kenya.

2. Stacey Kane has joined the folks at Operation Smile to help change the lives of children with cleft lips and palets.

Good people doing great things... Share on...