photography digital information

Project 366...

Have you heard of Project 366?

It's a way cool idea with a simple premise, take and post one image for every day for a year.

One picture, from one of 366 themes - each theme is unique and different and one for every day the entire year.

Here was the starting point.

And here are the rules:

•Photos must be taken between 12:01am January 1st 2008 and 11:59pm December 31st 2008. •Photos must be your own, not taken from other people.
•Photos to be posted in your Blog/Blurty/Photobucket (linked to), etc.
•All images remain yours.
•You don't have to take the photo themes in order, nor to take exactly one photo each day - many people work long hours or hours which mean few free daylight hours - you might find you cross off three themes in one day. Think of it as a photographic treasure hunt or quest.
•All images must be original, not photoshopped - the point is to have fun and challenge yourself to improve photography, not how well you can correct your mistakes with manipulation.
•No nudity, porn, or illegality!

Ya, I was disappointed with the last rule too.


Before you even utter the words "that doesn't seem all that hard" try it for just a week, you will find it far more challenging than it seems on the surface.

Below are just some of the folks who have taken up the challenge, they are doing wonderful work that deserves a look:

Dogeared Photo - who appears to be the ring leader
Julies' 366 Photos in 2008
Christin's 366 in 2008
Rick T's 366
Deb's Photo Blog
cmwoodard14's 366 in 2008
Linda's 366 Photos for 2008

Anybody else pickup on the "366" theme?

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