When I found out that Don was taking his talents on the road and doing seminars around the country (and Canada, ay!) I asked if he would be interested in coming to Maine and much to my surprise he said yes!
So mark your calendar for June 18th (actually the get together will start the evening before) for the only Lighting Essentials workshop to be held in Maine.
The workshop is limited to 8-10 participants, there are 6 attendees already listed on the seminar site and 2 more folks have enrolled but not "made the list" yet, so what I am saying (in a long round about way) is that there are only two slots left.
The seminar is being hosted @ my studio in Biddeford Maine (the town next door to Kennebunkport Maine, and about 20 minutes south of Portland). My studio is in some old (refurbished) factory buildings that run along the river, we are also just minutes from the rocky coastline of Maine.
To show you some of the local shooting opportunities, here are some links from when Scott Kelby was in town last year, here, here, here, and here.