Adobe has announce a public Beta for Lightroom 2.0. Run, don't walk, to get this today!
Here is everything you will need:
1. Here is the link to download Lightroom 2.
2. NAPP already has a learning center for LR 2, this should be the first place you go after installing it. Heck, maybe even before you download it.
3. Matt Kloskowski has a great post on LR 2, including his "top ten list" of things he likes about it.
4. Kelby Training has a Lightroom 2 Beta Power Session.
5. And speaking of Kelby, Scott Kelby has weighed in in LR 2 as well.
6. Jack Nack has in in-depth, "The Deuce is Loose", review of LR 2 which is a must read.
So, if you don't see any posts from me for a few days, it is most likely because I am undergoing LR 2 emersion therapy.